This site is a collection of information related to osu! skinning and is maintained by the skinship staff. The navigation bar at the top should lead you to everything you could want. If you need any additional help with anything skinning related, feel free to ask on the skinning forums or join our Discord server.
If you...
- ...find any bugs with the website
- ...find any mistakes in the website's content
- ...have an idea for a new tool or guide
- ...have an idea on how to improve any of the existing content
skinship Staff
Contest Planning
Video Production
Graphic Design
RockRollerOwner, Developer
skinshipOfficial Bot Account
SvenjapiTutorial Writer
0x84fNewspost Writer
Latest Updates
You can find the 10 latest major changes to this site below:
2023-06-26 | new | Resource: skin.ini template |
2023-06-12 | new | Resource: Xet's Slate skin template |
2023-04-09 | new | Resource: ImageMap Editor |
2021-10-25 | new | Tutorial: skin.ini |
2021-10-24 | new | Tutorial: Catch |
2021-06-29 | new | Guide: Centring Accuracy |
2021-03-27 | new | Guide: Mixing Skins |
2021-03-15 | new | Guide: How to import osu! skins |
2021-02-09 | new | Resource: Fringe Remover |